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Courgette sugar based ink


To carry out the courgette ink it has only been used their peel. This process is the same as courgette ink, because the characteristics of the peel are very similar. First of all, it has to cut the peel into pieces and boil during 10 minutes to soften the peel because it is very difficult to crush. Once boiled and crushed, it has to add a teaspoon of sugar and put in on fire to remove the water. Unlike other inks, such as orange peel, the courgette has to be reduced within 15 minutes because is the maximum time before it burns.


Regarding its possibilities, courgette ink allows a good definition. It
can get a high contrast in terms of black and white. As for the detail of typography, the limit size should be 14pt, because if it is smaller, it lose readability. Although it works well with both fonts, as it is an textured ink, with sans serif typeface works better. Finally say that the resulting color is a khaki green and looks grainy.


Courgette oil based ink  


The first try to make a courgette ink consisted of adding olive oil, but the result was unsuccessful. As many existing inks used a binder that binds with the pigment, we believed that if we added oil, the ink would thicken. The ink had a good consistency, but when we tried to print it in silkscreen, the liquid ink was scattered around the screen.

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